Monday, April 28, 2008

Mac is killing PC

That title above seems like I’m making fun of PC, errr... I mean Microsoft. Maybe it is sound a little bit too dramatic, but it suits very well from my point of view. Especially after I heard these news:

Salesforce, a big company that specialize in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software business rumored not to renew their contract with Dell. The leak informations came from Salesforce employee’s emails, and tipped to us by Alex Curylo at his blog. According to the emails, Salesforce plans to replace their 4,000 employee’s entire PC with Mac! And the emails also tell us the reason: “And why, you ask, Security! The resources it takes to defend against all the stuff the baddies throw at a PC, it's just cheaper/easier to pay a few bucks more for a Mac and not have any of those issues.”

If that rumor news is still too shaky to trust, a mighty blow came down from the founder of PC itself: IBM. The IBM spokeswoman; Stefanie Sirc has disclosed that since back in 2007, IBM have given Mac computers to 100 of IBM researchers. Sirc official statement was this: “We're looking to provide employees with the right tools, what they want is what we want to give them. We're not tied to any product or platform." (not because those 100 researchers are like using Mac).

IBM is a corporate company that often aim their products to enterprise companies, so when they’re trying out Mac; this mean they’re measuring whether Mac can run their softwares for enterprise environment or not. An analyst from
Gabriel Consulting Group named Dan Olds, has his own insight on this: “My guess is that they really want to test the Apple claim of being easier to use and offering higher productivity. The IBM of today is all about going after higher productivity rates, without regard to past religion or anything else. The company would also have to evaluate questions like how much it would cost to support Macs on the corporate network."

Another fact can also be seen from Apple’s impressive Q1 revenue earnings this year, they’ve gain remarkable revenues beating out predictions from Wall Street analysts. This of course thanks to iPhone popularity, and to the great sales of Apple’s thinnest yet most expensive laptop from MacBook line-up: the Air. (darn, the price is still out of my reach...)

And the fact that Microsoft has reported a slump selling of their newest OS: Windows Vista. If Microsoft is to stay true to their statement to stop selling Windows XP to OEMs in June this year, they’ definetely will be faced with a down revenues earning reports at the end of the year.

An update: came from a man who attended Steve Ballmer’s seminar, and found out that the Microsoft’s CEO was using a MacBook for his presentation! We don’t know whether the MacBook belongs to Steve Ballmer or not, or maybe somebody else was lending it just for that day. Too bad we aren’t informed on what OS was that MacBook is running, it’ll even be more hilarious if it really runs Mac OS X instead of Windows.

Let’s sum up all above news for awhile; first there’s a security concern that Mac is safer than PC, then Mac is also cheaper (overall after the purchase & maintenance), and let’s also throw in (if) Mac is (really) capable to work in enterprise environments. Well, what do you know? It all sounds familiar, isn’t it? It sounds like those
Mac vs. PC ads we all have seen in tv or internet, and to be frank those ads are very persuasive indeed (the ads name is called “Get a Mac” instead by Apple).

Just like in the ads, Microsoft’s Windows (a.k.a. PC) in real life haven’t been very creative to promote their brand & products to consumers. Unless Windows Mobile, I see that Microsoft is going aggressively introduce WinMob as great in multitasking (unlike iPhone); and that’s right on the money. But still not as attractive as Apple’s, I’d say.

In the future, I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see corporate employees who own WinMob mobile phones & devices change side to iPhone. Most probably is because the same reason as what all I’ve mentioned above. But we must play fair aren’t we? So we must wait untill Microsoft unleashed their new ‘iPhone-killer’ mobile OS:
Windows Mobile 7, at the end of 2009 or as early as 2010; before the verdict is read.

Sources are from:
IBM Workers May Use Macs (PCW Business Center)
  • (Alex Curylo blog) via ValleyWag
  • Get a Mac “Accident” episode (Apple)
  • Get a Mac (Wikipedia)
  • Record laptop sales drive $1.05B Apple profit (Macworld)
  • What laptop does Steve Ballmer use for his presentations? (Paint.It.Black) via Gizmodo
  • [blogged with my Treo 750v]

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