Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Funny how things turn out...

It's funny how things could go to the unexpected turn...

My friends and colleagues, and even sometimes my families, used to make fun of my "bulky" Treo; when compared to their slim smartphones from Nokia or Sony Ericsson. They often ask me, is it not heavy and troublesome to carry it inside my pocket?

True, I always noticed quickly whenever my Treo is not in my pocket because of its weight & size. Every now and then, I have to adjust the position of Treo in my pocket if I'm about to take a seat.

But because of that, I never forget to bring it wherever I go while they who laughed at first are the ones who forgot to bring their own. For instance; when I go out with my colleagues for lunch few weeks ago, two of them left their small smartphones on desk. They had to rush back to the office so they won't miss important messages & calls, but as for me, I received an email and replied it all while I was enjoying my lunch break.

And just today, I went out with my old man to grandpa's place. He forgot to bring his mobile phone in the desk drawer, and mine? I pulled out my Treo and fired it up on an instant, soon enough we called grandpa and told him we're on our way there.

So, who's laughing now? The last one laughing is the winner. ;-D

[blogged with my Treo 750v]

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