Saturday, December 20, 2008

Seven free must have BlackBerry Storm apps

Are you still waiting for the perfect Storm to come this year's holidays? With the increasing numbers of users who return their BlackBerry Storm handsets and critics/reviewers who shout in disenchantment of the extremely poor quality operating system which shipped within the device, even the latest software updates don't seem able to fully fix the messy Storm.

But don't you worry Storm owners and early adopters, your investment on RIM's endeavor to enter the full touchscreen handset category is not going to go to waste. Abundant apps are on the work by mobile software developers, many of those apps are beginning to appear on the net. And the best is: many of them are free.

Naw, don't be affraid dear readers, I ain't gonna count to seven. ~LOL~

Al Sacco from CIO (via PC World) has gathered around seven free must have apps for BlackBerry Storm, although not all of the following applications were developed specifically for the Storm, but each and every one functions well on the device--with the exception of a few minor bugs.

Note: All of the recommended applications were downloaded and tested using a Verizon Wireless BlackBerry Storm 9530 running OS Here's the quick list of the apps:

  1. WeatherBug for BlackBerry Storm
  2. Viigo for BlackBerry Storm
  3. Facebook for BlackBerry Storm
  4. Flickr for BlackBerry Storm
  5. TwitterBerry on the BlackBerry Storm
  6. WorldMate Live on the BlackBerry Storm
  7. Opera Mini 4.2 on the BlackBerry Storm

For more complete explanation of each apps mentioned above, head on to PC World page to read all about them.

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