Sunday, January 25, 2009

Treo 755p makes an appearance in the "Eagle Eye" movie

Eagle eyes treo
Last night I finally able to find a time to watch a movie that has been stashed for quite some time in my drawer, it's "Eagle Eye". The movie got a fine line-up of movie stars, but nevertheless the attention goes to the young rising star Shia LaBeouf and America's new sweetheart Michelle Monaghan.

The story line is pretty interesting to follow, although what really catch my eyes was when Sprint's Treo 755p makes an appearance during one of the scenes in the movie. It was used to show a video recorded by Jerry Shaw's twin brother (who's also played by LaBeouf), where the Treo 755p is put on a table and had few glorious clear shots. --pictured above

It's kinda proud moment for Palm, because an HTC Touch and a LG phone also make appearances in the movie but it is the aging Treo 755p which is chosen to be the bearer of one of the critical key parts of the movie. ;-)

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