Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More money for bloggers

Make money on the internet or while you're blogging? Sounds like the usual talk shows or newspaper advertising that I see everyday, but this one seems true enough for just a fake appetizer to get our attention. The CBS Television Station launched a new program called CBS Local Ad Network, where basically you put their "widget" at your blog site and they'll share the ads revenue. But you can't just ask and put the widget, you're going have to pass screening process by 3rd party(Sindigo Networks) company; hired by CBS Television Station to do the dirty job. So far there hasn't been any details on how the revenue split works, and the important question is how much...? One of the approved weblog is SFBayStyle, which resides at the same host of our beloved PalmAddict: TypePad. Read Caroline McCarthy article here for further infos.

(blogged with my Treo 750v)

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