Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blogging and social networking are the latest trends from the internet right now, it's been around for quite some time but the growing number of people who use these services shows there's more room for improvements. The software developer of TypePad, the hosting weblog of our beloved Palm Addict; has just make a new plug-in application for Facebook called "Blog It". With it you can update your Six Apart's blogs such as TypePad, Movable Type & Vox right from your very own Facebook account. Six Apart has plan to add more additional other weblogs as well like Blogger, WordPress, Live Journal, etc. in the future.
The idea is to simplify your acitvity of blogging and social networking simultenously, where after you post your blogs; a notification will be sent to your Facebook account status and also to other micro-blogging like Twitter or Pownce. The "Blog It" could become the bridge to unified your internet life, and make it much more easier to do them both at the same time. Your digital life is starting to get more and more addictive now... Read on Caroline McCarthy (WebWare) blog
here for the full report.
[blogged with my Treo 750v]

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