Saturday, October 4, 2008

Security concerns when smartphones become smarter

It's not that we don't like smart phones, we in fact are wishing for smarter phone every now and then. But along with the rising use and features inside our smartphones, there comes along the other side of the coin that we must compensate: security.

"The more your phone gets like a PC, the more it can host malicious code," said John Girard, a Gartner vice president, who spoke at the IT Security Summit in London on Monday and reported by
PCW Business Center. "We're very quickly moving to the point where people really can do business on smartphones," Girard added, "People are getting used to sending out executable code."

A few years ago, there was not a lot of standardization across wireless devices. But that's changing as the quality control gets better on widely-used platforms such as Microsoft's Windows Mobile and the Symbian operating system, he said. That standardization makes it easier for attackers to write code that will run on many devices.

Mobile users may be more tolerant of glitches on their mobile phones, which may be clues that a device has been infected or hacked. Companies need to be sure before buying a fleet of mobile devices that those devices meet a minimum security specification. If the hardware and software is secure when the device arrives, it makes it a lot easier to manage than trying to fix a device after it's in the field, Girard said.

Girard laid out a few key security points: Data on devices should be encrypted, proper identity and access controls should be implemented and intrusion prevention systems should used to ensure that rogue devices don't access sensitive information, he said.

How secure are our smartphones, do you want your smartphones to become smarter now? ;-p

[blogged with my Treo 750v]

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