Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tracking jobs with iPhone/iPod Touch

Don't be fooled with this post's title up there, I didn't write the "jobs" with capital which usually represent the Apple's CEO name; so it really is mean jobs, you know... those things or errands we must do even though we don't want to do them. ;-p

But ain't it cool. if just there's an iPhone app that works as a tracking news on whatever Mr. Steve Jobs is doing right now? It'll like having a shortcut to view Steve Jobs' Twitter or Facebook account, and find out what he's been up to for the next presentation at Mac Expo events. ~LOL~

Alright, that's enough for today's daydreaming. Let's get back straight to the topic, shall we? Jobs for iPhone/iPod Touch (with v2.0 software) is an app made by Bjango, cost you $4.99 for having an app that rhymes with Steve Jobs name... Uh oh, I'm going off the track again; sorry.

Jobs can helps you keep track of your time, hourly rate, flagfall, client information and total time spent on a job. The information is broken up into sessions logged every time a job is paused or restarted. Starting or stopping a job will be recorded into a history of sessions, which can then be exported to CSV (comma separated values) or plain text for export to a computer.

For one last obsession with this Jobs name bewilderment, I love the way Sam Gwilym from AppleInsider describes it: "...despite its title, does not give you a tiny virtual Steve Jobs you can take anywhere to advise you on important matters of the soul." ~LOL~

[blogged with my Treo 750v]

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