Saturday, November 1, 2008

Motorola CEO slipped out mentioning Windows Mobile 6.5

We all know Microsoft is still brewing Windows Mobile 7, and it won't out & be ready till at least 2009 next year. It's quite a long time to wait, especially if you're racing against the clock to beat iPhone & Android.

But what we haven't expected yet, although we should have, is that Microsoft is probably cooking up an almost done Windows Mobile 6.5 to fill in the time gap.

PC Mag reported that Sanjay Jha, co-chief executive of Motorola and chief executive of mobile devices, said this during Motorola's Thursday earnings call: "Windows Mobile 6 has not delivered the experience that I think Apple has been able to deliver, but as you look at the plan that is Windows Mobile 7 and even 6.5, I think there are significant new added features which will help the platform."

Was it intentional, or did he accidentally mention it? IMHO the Windows Mobile 6.5 could really exist, and it's only a matter of time for Microsoft to release it. And I truly hope my aging Treo 750v will get the update... ;-D

[blogged with my Treo 750v]

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