Sunday, November 9, 2008

My thought of the week: Automatic drills when faced with email scams

I know you're laughing at the picture on the left there, because me too: A mother (the white duck) uses the little ones to distract the victim, while it works on the victim's purse. ;-D

At one point, I stopped laughing and got reminded that the funny picture strikes a close resemblance to email scams that have been flooding into my inbox recently.

I don't usually complaint because of the bulk of junk emails which I received almost every day, we all are getting used to them after awhile. But for the last couple of weekends, the bulk has increased significantly. And I believe it got something to do with the recent U.S. Presidential Election day, continued with the victory of President Elec Barrack Obama. Because some of the junk emails' subject title read something like this: "Join the celebration of the new elected U.S. President, and win a chance to meet face to face with Barrack Obama!"

I might be interested when I read the first line there, but the tail to end line is what giving out that this email is a scam and should be considered as a junk email. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the terms like that, everything that sounds to encourage you to donate or deposit money is definetely falls into email scam category.

There are many other words used to attract the email recipients, not all are asking for money. In fact, they're giving money or prizes, gifts, shiny new gadgets, toys, cars, etc. to grab your attention. Their true intention is to get you to open the email first, and then hopefully you'll fall for the trick to forward the email and passes it around to your contact addresses. And that's what they're actually aiming for, your friends & families email address. The senders is commonly branded as spammers, or phisers.

The spammers next wish, is for the other recipients to keep passing their emails around until they get everyone's email address. Because it only takes one click on the link by a reckless email user, to ping the email back to the spammer's servers and save the whole happy bunch of email addresses into the never ending circle of email scams.

So if you know at least the knowledge about email scams, then you know the drills on what to do next when you're faced with those email scams. You immediately throw 'em into the junk emails folder, and never mention the sender's address to anyone, and you also never-ever give the links inside those email scams; because someone you love might accidentally click on the links and becomes a victim. And of course, you should never show the email scam itself to anyone, especially to the ones that you care.

Why? Because not everyone, has installed anti-virus or spam blocker softwares in their computers. And these kinda people will also never suspect anything suspicious since the email came from someone they know, so it's half of our duty to protect others as well ourselves.

So my dear friends, have you been careful of email scams today?

For more readings on email scams topic alike, you may find these to be interesting:

[blogged with my Treo 750v]

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