Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bye 2008... Hello 2009!

I've just got home from a big family gathering with my cousins, lots of 'em. What matters most is not the foods, the drinks, and the parties; but being together with someone familiar to share the smile, hope, and simply saying "happy new year" to someone close to you can give you a warm blanket to get through the new dawn of new year.

I was heading to my bed to lay my heavy head on a comfy pillow, but I then realized I haven't say it to my dear friends at PalmAddict, which I've already considered y'all as my big family in virtual world.

So I pushed myself to turn on the computer to write this, here goes: "Happy New Year 2009!" To all of you who have entered the year 2009, and for you who are about to count down the last tick of the 2008 clock.

Many thanks to Mony Love for the cute picture above, and for the great wishes on the new year (read them at the Flickr page).

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