Thursday, April 9, 2009

Secrets for Android

"Can you keep secrets? Can you hear a thing and never say it again?" said Sir Leigh Teabing to Sophie (The Da Vinci Code).

One of the catchy lines in the great movie adapted from Dan Brown's controversial novel that still lingers in my ears, sweet yet so dark to illustrate the nature capabilty of mankind to keep secrets. But then again, that was back in the days where paper and pen were the only way to passes down delicate informations, if just android had been invented that time then things might not be so dark.

Errr..., I mean Android as in the mobile operating system that's powering your T-Mobile handset. ~LOL~

Just released few days ago is Secrets for Android, an application to securely store, manage passwords and secrets on your Android-powered phone. Secrets for Android is an open source app using the Apache 2.0 licence, a strong encryption and with auto-logout feature to help ensure that your secrets remain safe, of course assuming that you have used a good/strong password combination. Here's a quick list of using your Secrets for Android:
  • The main secrets list shows all of your secrets, ordered alphabetically by description. Each entry in the list shows the description, the Id or email address, and the time and/or date of the last action that was performed on that secret. Tap a secret to momentarily reveal its PIN. Tap and hold a secret to edit it.
  • If your list of secrets is long, you can filter it by typing on the keyboard. Only those secrets whose description begins with the typed letters will appear in the list. Press BACK to clear the filter.
  • Should Secrets be running when your phone goes to sleep, you will be automatically logged out. The next time your phone wakes up, you'll need to re-enter your master password to continue. Switching to another application and returning to Secrets will also require you to re-enter your master password.
Secrets for Android is not yet available at Android Market, here's the explanation from its maker; Roger Tawa, a Google employee who developed the app on his own: "Google retains the copyright of app, and hence the Google Open source blog post. This app is not tied to any Google services (for the moment anyway)."

Get a copy of Secrets for Android at this link (direct .apk file), source is via AndroidGuys.

So, after you've installed this app, ask the above line to your Android phone. *chuckles*

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