Thursday, February 28, 2008

Working as you commute

A very good editorial from Chris Kanaracus, in PC World article, says: "Humans have gone to the moon and made a laptop less than an inch thick, but they still can't make the trains run on time." Those lines really described the truth happening in big cities, such as NYC & Massachusets. If you're one of the commuters who uses public mass-transportations, then you must know how it feels when you're late to work and must do some works before you steps your feet on the office. Finding a seat is hard enough, so "a laptop is not good enough without a lap." (quoted). You'll finally rely on your smartphones to do the jobs while one of your hand is grabbing that pole.
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has put at least one coach of train to be equipped with WiFi (only up to 12 users so far) so workers on train can make use of coach's wireless internet than from their wireless operators, where signal bound to drop on some isolated areas. We all are surely can benefit from mobile apps available on the market and from web services, to widen the office space so we can work anywhere anytime. Your work hours already started at the time you enter your transportation to your work place!
(blogged with my Treo 750v)

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